Oddball Fish
Oddball Fish
Oddball fish and unusual fish, rare imports and less common tropical fish.
Below is a list of the oddball fish and other unusual fish we have for sale - however, due to our quick stock turnover, we still recommend phoning/emailing first if you will be travelling to visit us for a certain species!
Current Stock for sale, updated 27/09/2024
Brachygobius sp. (Bumblebee Goby) - £2.95 each or 4 for £10.00.
Gymnothorax tile (Indian Mud Moray Eel) - £55.00 each or 2 for £100.00.
Toxotes chatareus (Large-scale Archerfish) - £22.50 each or 3 for £60.00.
* Species in this list may be found in marine, brackish and freshwater - please ask!
Eels (Spiny eels, true eels, etc)
Gymnothorax tile (Indian Mud Moray Eel) - £55.00 each or 2 for £100.00.
Macrognathus circumcinctus (Half Banded Spiny Eel, smaller examples) - £9.95 each or 3 for £27.00.
Macrognathus pancalus (Yellow-fin Spiny Eel) - £8.95 each or 2 for £16.00.
Macrognathus siamensis (Peacock Eel) - £16.50 each or 2 for £30.00.
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia (Fire Eel) - £65.00 each.
Synbranchus mamoratus (Marbled Tulip Eel) - £15.00 each.
Apteronotus albifrons (Black Ghost Knife) - £22.00 each or 3 for £60.00.
Chitala blanci (Royal Clown Knife) - £85.00 or 3 for £240.00.
Notopterus notopterus (Featherfin Knife) - £18.95 each or 3 for £54.00 (3 available)
Xenomystus nigri (African Brown Knifefish) - £6.95 each or 3 for £18.00.
Pygocentrus nattereri (Red-Belly Piranha) - £8.95 each or 6 for £48.00.
Serrasalmus elongatus (Pike Piranha) - £85.00 each.
Serrasalmus geryi (Violet Line Piranha/Géry's Pirambeba) - £395.00 each (3 available)
Serrasalmus manueli (Tiger Piranha/Manny, Brazil) - £165.00 each.
Polypterids (bichirs)
Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Reed Fish, smaller juveniles) - £9.95 each or 2 for £18.00.
Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Reed Fish, larger examples) - £12.95 each or 2 for £24.00.
Polypterus delhezi (Barred Bichir) - £23.95 each or 3 for £65.00.
Polypterus endlicher (Saddled Bichir) - £36.95 each.
Polypterus lapradei "Koliba" - £39.95 each.
Polypterus ornatipinnis (Ornate Bichir) - £37.50 each or 2 for £70.00.
Polypterus senegalus (Senegal Bichir) - £6.95 each or 2 for £12.00.
Polypterus senegalus (Senegal Bichir, large wild caught) - £22.50 each or 3 for £59.00.
Carinotetraodon irrubesco (Red-eye Puffer, males only) - £12.95 each.
Sphoeroides asellus (South American or Amazon Puffer) - £27.50 each or 3 for £75.00.
Tetraodon lineatus (Fahaka/Nile Puffer. larger examples) - £28.95 each.
Tetraodon pustulatus (Cross River Puffer, good-sized) - £795.00 (1 available)
Subtropical species
Channa bleheri (Rainbow Snakehead) - £22.50 or 2 for £40.00.
Channa cf. Gold Dust - £120.00 each (1 available).
Channa stewartii (Assamese Snakehead, Captive Bred) - £25.95 each.
Tropical species
Channa micropeltes (Red or Giant Snakehead) - £24.95 each (2 available)
Channa pleuropthalma (Ocellated Snakehead) - 5" - £45.00 each or 3 for £120.00 as seen on Facebook.
Parachanna sp. (Believed to be P. obscura juveniles) - £12.95 each or 3 for £35.00.
Stingrays (freshwater)
Potamotrygon motoro (Mini Marble Motoro) - £325.00 each or £600.00 a pair (2 available)
Potamotrygon wallacei (Formerly P. Hystrix) - £300.00 each or £550.00 a pair (4 available).
* P. wallacei and P. scobina are the smaller members of the Potamotrygon genus, deeming them both sensible choices for life in captivity.
Miscellaneous Oddballs and Rarities
Asterophysus batrachus (Gulper Catfish) - £67.50 each.
Dario dario (Scarlet Badis) - £5.95 each, 4 for £20.00 or 8 for £38.00.
Cichla cf. ocellaris "Brokopondo" - £37.50 each or 2 for £70.00.
Cichla pinima (Pinima Peacock Bass) - £47.50 each or 2 for £90.00.
Ctenolucius hujeta (Rocket Gar Fish) - £11.95 each, 3 for £33.00 or 6 for £64.00.
Ctenopoma acutirostre (Leopard Bush Fish) - £9.95 each or 3 for £27.00 (1 available).
Datnioides campbelli (New Guinea Tiger Perch) - £240.00 each (2 available).
Datnioides microlepis (Indonesian Tiger Perch / Finescale Tiger Perch) - £24.95 or 3 for £70.00.
Datnioides polota (Silver Dat) - £29.95 each.
Datnioides polota (Silver Dat, slightly larger examples) - £35.00 each or 2 for £65.00.
Dormitator maculatus (Jade Sleeper Goby) - £37.50 each or 2 for £70.00.
Erythrinus erythrinus (Red Wolf Fish) - £45.00 each.
Gnathonemus petersii (Peter's Elephantnose) - £14.95 each, 3 for £42.00 or 6 for £80.00.
Hepsetus odoe (Afrian Pike Characin) - £22.00 each or 3 for £59.00.
Hoplias aimara (Aimara Wolf Fish) - £475.00 (2 available).
Hoplias malabaricus (Trahira Wolf Fish) - £72.00 (2 available)
Leporinus affinis (Wild caught) - £16.50 each or 3 for £45.00.
Leporinus ortomaculatus - £18.95 each or 3 for £54.00.
Lophiosilurus apurensis (Jelly Catfish) - £165.00 each.
Osphronemus laticlavius (Giant Red Tail Gourami) - £59.00 each.
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Silver Arowana) - £79.95 each.
Oxyeleotris marmorata (Marbled Sleeper Goby) - £18.95 each or 3 for £54.00.
Pantodon buchholzi (African Freshwater Butterfly Fish) - £9.95 each or 3 for £27.00.
Protopterus annectens (West African Lungfish) - £45.00 each.
Semaprochilodus insignis (Flagtail Prochilodus) - £48.00 each.
Scleropages formosus (Malaysian Super High-back Asian Arowana) - £895.00 (comes with all relevant paperwork and microchip details)
Scleropages jardinii (Pearl Arowana / Gulf Saratoga) - £180.00.
Toxotes blythii (Clouded Archers) - £55.00 each or 2 for £99.00.
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