Marine Fish
Below is a list of the Marine Fish we have for sale.
Our stock is ever-changing and can change from one hour to the next.
Please contact us on 01773 811044 or send us an email directly to the Marine Department before you visit to check current stock and make reservations.
To request specific fish species, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know what you're after.
Current Stock for sale, updated 03/10/2024
Emperor Angel Juvenile - £86.00
Koran Angel XL - £95.00
Angelfish (Dwarf)
Fireball Angel - £42.50
Flame Angel - £185.00
Half Black Angel - £52.00
Red-stripe Angel - £45.00.
Lyretail (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) - Female - £26.50, Male - £41.00.
Tuka Anthias - £39.50
Algae Blenny (Salarius fasciatus) - £21.50.
Bi-colour Blenny - £21.50
Carabbean Sailfin - £36.00
Midas Blenny (Escenius midas) - £29.50.
Molly Miller Blenny (Scartella cristata) - £31.50 (tank bred).
Red-spot Flymo Blenny (Blenniella chrysospilos) - £32.50.
Starry Algae Blenny - £21.50
Tailspot Blenny - £26.50
Butterfly Fish
Black Pyramid - £52.00
Pyjama (Sphaeramia nematoptera) - from £18.50.
Black and White (Amphiprion ocellaris, tank bred) - £40.00
Black DaVinci Pair - £95.00
Black Ice (pair) - £95.00
Common Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris, tank bred) - from £19.50
Lightning Maroon (Premnas biaculeatus) - £85.00
Midnight (pair) - £120.00
Azure Damsel (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) - £10.99.
Emperor Damsel - £13.00
Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) - from £9.00.
Springer's (Chrysiptera springeri) - £11.99.
Vanderbilt Chromis - £26.00
Yellow-tail - £12.00
Flame Dottyback £40.00
Fairy / Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher - £60.00
McCocker's Flasher - £39.00
Red-head Fairy - £58.00.
None currently in stock.
Gobies, Dartfish & Dragonets
Banded Shrimp Goby - £24.50
Black-belly Nano Goby - £26.00
Blue Cheek - £32.00
Blue Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops) - £28.50.
Green Rock Goby (Gobiodon histrio) - £17.50.
Java Green Nano Goby - £26.00
Nano Blue-eye Dart - £20.00
Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) - £42.00.
Randall's Goby - £52.50
Red Firefish (Nemateleotris splendidus) - £29.50.
Spotted Chalk - £32.50
Sulphur Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) - £31.50
Suntail Goby - £36.00
Wheeler's Goby - £24.50
Yellow Head Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) - £32.50
Fuzzy Dwarff Lionfish (Dendrochirus brachpterus) - £35.00
Volitan Lion - £62.00
Puffers / Boxfish
Black Dalmation Puffer - £295.00
Black-spot Dog Face - £48.00
Valentini Puffer (Canthigaster valentini) - £26.50.
Tangs / Rabbitfish
Blue-lip Bristletooth - £49.50
Goldrim Tang - £60.00.
Lipstick Blonde, small - £52.00, medium - £85.00.
Mimic Half-black - £28.00
Powder Blue - £64.00
Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) - £125.00.
Sailfin Tang West Indian Ocean (Zebrasoma desjardinii) - £49.50.
Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) - £49.50
Spotted Yellow-eye - £62.00
White-tail Kole - £295.00
Blue-throat - £75.00
Picasso (Rhinecanthus aculeatus) - £26.00.
Candy Hogfish (Bodianus bimaculatus) - £46.50
Jewel Leopard - £80.00 (male)
Sixline - £32.00
True Banana Wrassse - £29.50
Yellow-band Possum - £49.50
Aiptasia Eating Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) - from £26.00
Blue Stripe Pipefish - "32.50
Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum) - £22.00
Flame Filefish - £48.00
Harlequin Tusk Indo - £95.00
Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus) - £29.50
Marine Betta - £69.50 (Tank bred)
Pink Scooter - £29.50
White Pipefish - £29.50
Yellow Erectus Seahorse, pair - £320.00
Yellow Goatfish - £36.00